Saturday, July 23, 2011


What is your inspiration? Is there something that you want to accomplish in our life that until now has seemed out of reach? Where do you find the inspiration to keep reaching for it? It's an interesting thought really. I think we all need something that pushes us towards that ultimate goal, whether it seems reachable or not.

Sitting at the piano yesterday, struggling to play things that probably any third grader could play (no offense, third graders), I got frustrated. I thought, what's the point. I'm nearly thirty years old and still haven't come close to mastering this. I've started and stopped lessons so many times, and it shows. But as I started to think about it, I realized that I could keep going with the same pattern, or I could push myself to keep practicing, keep playing, keep learning. And then eventually I'll be better than a third grader, then a fourth get the idea. But if I stop playing and start up again later, I'll just be an even older third grader! And who wants that?!

But that whole situation made me realize something very important - I want my life to matter. I want to have purpose and I want to feel like I make difference. On the days where I am lonely or upset or just feeling down, I don't feel like I matter. I don't feel like who I am or what I'm doing is really making a difference to anyone. I feel as though I'm just floating through life, trying to get through...and I'm not even really sure what I'm trying to get to. But I think that these are the times where I need inspiration. I need to truly accept that God made me for a purpose, even in the small things. I've let myself be so consumed with the details that it's made me feel like there's no real purpose in all of it. But if I stop to look at the bigger picture, everything that has happened up until this moment was to get me here. And all of the things I'm going through and doing right now are to get me to the next place. When you get somewhere and look back, it usually makes sense. But in the moment, it rarely does.

Inspiration is what keeps us going when things don't make sense. When we've tried 117 times before, inspiration says 118 will be it! You will do it this time! You will get it. Just get back up & try again. I don't want to be a quitter. I don't want to look back and think about the time I wasted. Instead I want to look back and say I made the most of every moment. To me that is a life that will make a difference.

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