Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Time to Make a Choice

Looking at my last post, I can't believe it's been over a year. Wow. Time sure does fly. So much has changed in that year, and yet at times it seems like nothing really has changed. I may live in a different state, have a different occupation (or multiple occupations at the moment), be surrounded with different people, but I really haven't changed. And is some ways that's good - the core of who we are should always remain. But truthfully I feel as though I should be farther along than I am.

What does that mean exactly? Well, looking back over my posts & the things I was feeling a year ago, two years ago, etc., those feelings still remain. I am still holding on to all of the fears, I am still wishing things were different than they are, still looking for what will make me happy. I uprooted my whole life thinking that would do that trick, and it hasn't. Am I as stressed out as I was this time last year, no. But quitting a full time job will help with that. But I am still longing for the things that seem to be out of my grasp. I'm still not content...

And that's truly what it comes down to. The art of contentment. It's a concept that I understand, yet can never seem to fully grasp. I sit around and wish things were different instead of getting up and making them different. It's a sad fact that I am not who I truly want to be. I try so hard not to compare myself to others, but I see people who are content, who are making a difference in the world, and wonder why I can't be like them. And I know it's not about being like anyone else, but I want to be the best version of me. I feel as though I always fall short, so at times it makes me not even want to try.

But time will continue on whether I try or not. Yes, there will be ups and downs, but focusing on the good and the positive and the present are all things that I need to try and do. I keep saying the same things in my posts over & over again...when am I going to start doing something about it. As time goes by, I can continue in the cycle I've been in, or I can finally make a change. I hate change! So so much. But I am not too fond of where my life is at the moment either. So it's time to make a choice. And not making a choice is one all in itself. My prayer is that the next time I post, I will have begun making those positive changes. I know God has a plan for my life & I am trusting Him - but I have some leg work to do along the way!

Monday, March 3, 2014


What does it mean to dream? I've been bombarded recently with that concept. From sermons to tv shows to friends to my own thoughts, the concept of dreaming has been almost haunting me. Why is that? Probably because I have pretty much given up on it. I don't know when or how it happened, but somewhere along the way, I stopped dreaming. I started to settle and be complacent. And even though I believe that deep down inside I still have dreams that can be fulfilled, I have been struggling with trying to remember what those dreams even are!

In some ways, I feel like I was born way too practical for my own good. I know that sounds strange, and even a bit contradictory. I do believe that God formed each of us uniquely for a purpose, so I know that my practical nature has a purpose, but for most of my life I have allowed it to get the better of me. One of the main reason I stopped dreaming is that it just does not seem practical. Not to mention I am far too critical. At times in the past that I have dreamt of certain things, I have quickly dismissed them as impractical or silly. And when those thoughts have popped back in my head or my heart, I once again brush them aside and tell myself that God has created certain people for big dreams and others for the practical things of life. And I'm just a practical kind of girl...right?

If that were true, why am I feeling so much unrest? Why do I long for things, even though most of the time I'm not even sure what those things are? I look back at my past blogs and there is clearly a longing there. My last post said I wanted to write - and that was a year ago!!! The problem is that when I start writing, I start thinking. And when I think too much then ideas start to come, which can only lead to impractical dreams. So I stopped writing, stopped thinking and just kept going with the day to day of life, thinking somehow that would make things better. Only it hasn't. There is still a longing inside of me that I cannot explain. A longing to do something more with my life, not just to settle for the practical.

Could it be that I have not completely given up on dreaming? Could it be that I am not too practical for my own good after all? I truly believe that God is beginning to stir something in my heart. I'm not even too sure what it is yet, but I know that it's there. And for the first time in a long time I really want to find out what it is. I want to take the necessary steps to discover the dreams I have long pushed to the back of my mind hoping they wouldn't return to haunt me. But now is the time! I know there is a purpose, even in the timing. And I am trusting that God will lead me each step of the way. The hard part is only beginning, and yet I am extremely excited as I take a deep breath and prepare for whatever lies ahead!

Saturday, February 2, 2013

I'm back!

Well, it's been quite a while since I last posted anything. In fact, I don't remember the last time I wrote anything at all. But I think it's time to change that. So if you don't mind, I'd really like to share some things with you. And maybe along the way encourage any of you that might be going through something similar. So here goes...

This is all coming about because of a bit of a breakdown. After crying on and off for nearly an entire day, I realized that some things needed to change. I have been simply existing for quite a long time and I've noticed that this is my pattern. I get so bogged down in the day to day that I forget about what is really important. And I forget to create a life full of things that I love and enjoy. I simply work work work and that's about it. And I wonder why I feel unfulfilled and unhappy.

After much contemplation, I realize that I don't feel like I'm making a difference in the world. I know that I am still here because this is where God wants me, but I have been dealing with it almost like a prison sentence. Just doing my time until the next thing comes along. But I don't just want to do my fime, I want to make the most of my time. I want to feel fulfilled and enjoy each and every day, not just have an occasional moment of happiness  during days that are mostly filled with nothing much. It's not a way to live, and it's been what has made me feel so miserable. I'm missing out on life!

So the challenge for me is how do I continue in my normal day to day activities, but change my persepective. Not see everyday as a stress-filled obligation that gets me one day closer to the end, but rather a piece of the puzzle that is one step closer to being completed. When you work behind a desk all day, it's extremely hard to view any of that as significant. And since I feel like I'm never able to catch up on my work, it's hard for me not to feel stressed about that. But instead of going home and working every night, or simply letting the stress overtake me and do absolutely nothing, I need to figure out what else I can and should be doing. What can I do to better myself? What can I do to help others? What can I do that makes me happy?

It's funny that I feel ok sharing all of this, because I don't let people in very easily. Trust is a hard thing for me, and it makes me keep people at arms length. But yesterday, Julie asked for people to encourage me on facebook and twitter since I was having such a bad day. And people really came through.I got some of the nicest comments and encouragements that meant the world to me! It made me realize that I do have people that love me and care about me that I can trust. I just need to open myself up to that.

So please keep checking back. I want to make this a regular thing, because not only does writing help me, but I really enjoy it! So I'm going to try my best to post something everyday. Even if it's not as long as this one. A reflection of my day and where I am in my journey. I hope that's ok. Basically a journal, but not so private! Haha. But that's ok. Knowing there are even a few of you out there that understand what I'm going through strangely makes me feel better. :-)

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

The Challenge

Time goes by so fast! I can't believe sometimes how quickly it really goes. When you're looking forward to something, it seems to takes forever, but then it's over before you know it & you're back to reality. I was thinking this morning about when I first came to CFNI - now 4 1/2 years ago! Can you believe it? I can't. I can remember it like it was yesterday. Leaving everyone and everything behind to come to this crazy place! Haha. It seems surreal that it's been that long.

At times I feel like I haven't changed that much, and maybe I haven't on the outside, but on the inside, things are quite different than they were. Especially recently. I've been making a conscious effort to change those things about me that I don't like. I've been trying not to stress as much (as I normally tend to stress about everything!) and relax a bit. I've been learning to set boundaries, and to be honest and let people know what's really on my mind.

I came to the realization lately that I've spent so much of my life trying to be what everyone thinks I should, do the things other people thought I should do, trying to be polite & proper, that I lost myself somewhere. This need to always please others, to always have approval, I wish I knew where it came from. Why do I care so much what other people think? Why do I get so uptight trying to say and do the right things all of the time? Is there a time and a place to be polite & proper, of course! But not every minute of every day!

It's ok to be who you are! That's something I have to tell myself everyday. God made me as I am for a reason. There is a plan and a purpose for me - just me! And if I spend my life trying to live up to everyone else's plan and purpose for me, then I'll never fulfill what it is God wants me to do. I look at people who are just themselves all the time, no pretenses, nothing fake, just real, and I envy that. Though at times they may step over the line (I still believe there is a time and place for everything. Sometimes you need to be polite), people forgive them because that's who they are.

I read somewhere recently that people who have low self-esteem actually have a pride issue because they are always thinking about themselves and thinking that everyone is thinking about them as well, even though it's in a negative way. And that got me thinking - am I prideful? Do I think that everyone is always thinking about how bad I look, or how I said the wrong thing, or didn't say the right thing, or didn't do this or that? Yes. And the truth is that by thinking that, I'm making myself more important than I really am. Are there times that people are talking about me - I'm sure. But not most of the time. A majority of the time, people are worried about themselves.

So the challange for me comes in here - can I stop worrying about other people & just worry about what I say and what God says? Well, people's expectations. I just want to live up to God's expectations, because those are truly the only ones that matter. I know it's going to continue to be a challenge, but I've definitely grown over time, and I believe I will continue to do so.

Monday, July 25, 2011


Everything in life is a choice. While this may not be a new revelation for some, it is for me. Maybe not subconsciously, but I'm really just allowing myself to realize this fact. There are many things in life that happen, circumstances that come our way, and it may not look like we have a choice...but we do. Our choice is in whether or not we allow those circumstances to effect us. Are we going to choose to let the heavy workload stress us out (I know I usually do), or are we going to say, "I'll do what I can do and tackle the rest tomorrow."? Are we going to choose to let the pain we feel dictate what we do that day, or are we going to say, "In spite of the pain, I'm going to get up and get going."?

I've had a realization recently that my physical ailments are due in large part to the stress I have allowed in my life. Thing have been chaotic and down right crazy at work, and I've allowed that to literally overtake my life. And as a result, I am suffering. Not sleeping, not happy, constant headaches, all of these things I believe are a result of allowing this craziness to effect me so greatly. So I decided that despite circumstances around me, I am going to do my best to not let them dictate how I should feel. Are things still crazy at work? Yep. Are people still going to bug me? Yep. Do I still wanna scream sometimes because there's too much to do? Yep. But guess what? There's never going to be a day when everything is perfect, when you feel perfect. So the goal is to press on through and be thankful for that day anyway.

Romans 5:1-5 - This tells me that every trial, every hard time, every stressful situation is making me stronger. It's building something in me that was not there before. But that's only if I allow it to. I have to allow a situation to teach me patience, otherwise it's just another frustrating thing that stresses me out. And if I don't learn, another situation will come along that tests my patience again. So maybe I should just learn my lesson already! I can have peace in the midst of a storm, because God is my peace. I just need to hold on to him.

So I am choosing to today, whatever comes my way, I will not become stressed out! No matter if I'm overwhelmed or feel that I have more than I can take on myself, I will trust and know that God is there with me. And I will choose today, despite the pain I feel, that these migraines will not rule my life. I will go to work and have a normal day. I have faith that God is going to heal me, and I believe he has already begun doing so. AMEN! :-)

Saturday, July 23, 2011


What is your inspiration? Is there something that you want to accomplish in our life that until now has seemed out of reach? Where do you find the inspiration to keep reaching for it? It's an interesting thought really. I think we all need something that pushes us towards that ultimate goal, whether it seems reachable or not.

Sitting at the piano yesterday, struggling to play things that probably any third grader could play (no offense, third graders), I got frustrated. I thought, what's the point. I'm nearly thirty years old and still haven't come close to mastering this. I've started and stopped lessons so many times, and it shows. But as I started to think about it, I realized that I could keep going with the same pattern, or I could push myself to keep practicing, keep playing, keep learning. And then eventually I'll be better than a third grader, then a fourth get the idea. But if I stop playing and start up again later, I'll just be an even older third grader! And who wants that?!

But that whole situation made me realize something very important - I want my life to matter. I want to have purpose and I want to feel like I make difference. On the days where I am lonely or upset or just feeling down, I don't feel like I matter. I don't feel like who I am or what I'm doing is really making a difference to anyone. I feel as though I'm just floating through life, trying to get through...and I'm not even really sure what I'm trying to get to. But I think that these are the times where I need inspiration. I need to truly accept that God made me for a purpose, even in the small things. I've let myself be so consumed with the details that it's made me feel like there's no real purpose in all of it. But if I stop to look at the bigger picture, everything that has happened up until this moment was to get me here. And all of the things I'm going through and doing right now are to get me to the next place. When you get somewhere and look back, it usually makes sense. But in the moment, it rarely does.

Inspiration is what keeps us going when things don't make sense. When we've tried 117 times before, inspiration says 118 will be it! You will do it this time! You will get it. Just get back up & try again. I don't want to be a quitter. I don't want to look back and think about the time I wasted. Instead I want to look back and say I made the most of every moment. To me that is a life that will make a difference.

Thursday, July 21, 2011

A Quiet Summer

In looking back at my last few posts before I begin writing this one, I see that I tend to write for one of two reasons: 1) I am feeling restless and want to make a change or 2) I'm desperately unhappy about something.

I'd like to change that. Which, even as I'm typing it makes me realize that it applies #1 above. Haha. But that's ok, because this is too important to not share for a silly reason like that.

I had a realization yesterday that I have been putting myself in harms way simply because I am stressed. My migraines have returned worse than ever, my blood pressure is continuing to rise along with my weight, and I'm just generally "getting through." During a conversation last night with a friend, I said, "Well, hopefully when that happens, I won't work so much and I'll be a lot less stressed." Then I realized, I've been saying that for as long as I can remember about pretty much everything in my life. I'm never satisfied and never dealing with the right now, I'm always looking to what's ahead to make me happy, make me not so stressed, make me feel like I'm not missing out.

But as I was walking taking Daisy for a walk this morning, I realized that I am missing out on so much right now because I'm not focused here, I'm focused on the future. It made me think, ok, so I want to get married and have kids. Do I think that then I'll be happy? Are the going to be the source of my happiness? That's a lot of pressure. And what happens when they aren't perfect, as this is pretty much a proven inevitability since no one is? Then will I look forward to when they are grown and out of the house. How sad, that I've been wishing my life away.

Because the truth is that I have been doing this for years. I can consume myself with what if's (the past), and when will's (the future). What if I had said this, what if I had done that, what if this had been different? It's over analyzing the past, something that can't be changed. It's done & I need to learn from it and move on, not keep playing it in my mind over and over. And then there's the when will's. When will I meet the right guy, when will I get married, when will I have a family, when will I move closer to my family? It's natural and ok to have those questions, but it's not natural to fixate on them and not build a life with what God has given you right now. Frankly, it's selfish. It's saying to God that what you blessed me with right now is not good enough. I've never looked at it that way, but it really is. Let's say it's your birthday and someone hands you a gift. You open it and it's a beautiful necklace. Rather than putting it on and seeing how beautiful it looks and thanking the person, you look at them and say, "Thanks. This is ok, but I really wanted diamond earrings. So I'm just gonna keep this in the box and never wear it until you get me those earrings." What a slap in the face that would be. Not only are being ungrateful and ridiculously demanding, you are going to miss out on enjoying the beauty of what you have been given because it's not exactly what you wanted.

WOW!!! That is quite a revelation. If it's not to anyone else, it sure is to me. I just realized what an ungrateful brat I've been. It's crazy what God can reveal if you truly ask him. All of that from realizing that I've been allowing stress to run my life and I need to put a stop to it. No one is going to do it for me. And I've been given this summer to do it. I thought the quiet would drive me nuts, but it's been a great time to be reflective and figure some things out. Now that I've had the realization, it's time to act. Looks like this quiet summer has been a good thing after all. :-)