Saturday, January 2, 2010

A New Beginning

Hello everyone!

I hope you all had a wonderful Christmas filled with family and friends. It always amazes me how quickly it comes and goes after so much anticipation. But a new year has begun, and it is literally a new beginning for me as well.

I have returned to Dallas after graduating CFNI just a few weeks ago. My plan was to move home and look for a job there, but two days before graduation, I got a call from the accounting department here at school offering me a job I had interviewed for nearly a month earlier. It all happened very quickly after that. Graduation came and went, my family headed back home as I tried to figure out what in the world was going on. I worked for four days, then they let me go home for Christmas! I was so excited to be able to see everyone and catch up a bit. But it was also bittersweet. I think everyone (including me at times) thought, or at least hoped, that I would be returning home upon graduation. But God had other plans. And while working in the accounting department is obviously not my dream job in ministry, I know it is only for a season. I believe this is a season for me to have some stability and do some growing up . A 9-5 will do that to you. Haha. Although I'll be working full time, I do plan on staying involved in worship, perhaps even looking for a part time worship pastor position somewhere.

While it is difficult to be so far from home, I know there is a plan in all of this. I believe and hold onto the promises that God has made to me. I may not understand the path right at this moment, but looking back on my life, nothing at the time has made too much sense. But it has all led me to where I am. This year is going to be one of change, of adjustment, and new things on the horizon. I'm not quite sure what they are yet, but He is. And I trust in that, even though it's a bit hard at the moment.

I'm sorry I did not get to see all of you while I was home. The time went so fast. But I do miss each and every one of you and pray for you each and everyday. Please keep in, facebook, texting - you can even call!!! haha. Now that I'm not in school I'll probably have more time to update, so please check back often. :-) Love you all!