Monday, July 25, 2011


Everything in life is a choice. While this may not be a new revelation for some, it is for me. Maybe not subconsciously, but I'm really just allowing myself to realize this fact. There are many things in life that happen, circumstances that come our way, and it may not look like we have a choice...but we do. Our choice is in whether or not we allow those circumstances to effect us. Are we going to choose to let the heavy workload stress us out (I know I usually do), or are we going to say, "I'll do what I can do and tackle the rest tomorrow."? Are we going to choose to let the pain we feel dictate what we do that day, or are we going to say, "In spite of the pain, I'm going to get up and get going."?

I've had a realization recently that my physical ailments are due in large part to the stress I have allowed in my life. Thing have been chaotic and down right crazy at work, and I've allowed that to literally overtake my life. And as a result, I am suffering. Not sleeping, not happy, constant headaches, all of these things I believe are a result of allowing this craziness to effect me so greatly. So I decided that despite circumstances around me, I am going to do my best to not let them dictate how I should feel. Are things still crazy at work? Yep. Are people still going to bug me? Yep. Do I still wanna scream sometimes because there's too much to do? Yep. But guess what? There's never going to be a day when everything is perfect, when you feel perfect. So the goal is to press on through and be thankful for that day anyway.

Romans 5:1-5 - This tells me that every trial, every hard time, every stressful situation is making me stronger. It's building something in me that was not there before. But that's only if I allow it to. I have to allow a situation to teach me patience, otherwise it's just another frustrating thing that stresses me out. And if I don't learn, another situation will come along that tests my patience again. So maybe I should just learn my lesson already! I can have peace in the midst of a storm, because God is my peace. I just need to hold on to him.

So I am choosing to today, whatever comes my way, I will not become stressed out! No matter if I'm overwhelmed or feel that I have more than I can take on myself, I will trust and know that God is there with me. And I will choose today, despite the pain I feel, that these migraines will not rule my life. I will go to work and have a normal day. I have faith that God is going to heal me, and I believe he has already begun doing so. AMEN! :-)

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