As most of you know, I just started my sixth and final semester at CFNI. Ahh! Yep, i did say final. So, as of December, I will be done with school and needing a job. Not sure where or doing what yet, but I know God has it all worked out. So, He'll show me in His time where He wants me. Until then, I've got tons on my plate to keep me occupied.
So then came Sunday. We went to the store to get some supplies, then headed to Opening Rally. Afterwards I had a meeting/practice with the SOWTA (School of Worship & Technical Arts) leadership team. It went well, but I was exhausted!!! Went home to eat and unpack a bit (a very small bit), and then headed to bed. After all, I had to be up to sing in chapel the next morning.
The first day of school was mostly orientation, but since I was a part of the leadership team, it was a lot of running around and trying to help keep things running smoothly. I'm sure it's usually hectic, but the fact that we have 130 students and 100 of those are brand new students made it insane! God is growing the School of Worship faster than we could imagine...or keep up with. So the staff and leaders have our work cut out for us this semester. We spent the next two days doing auditions, then Wednesday night had a meeting to form the worship teams and small groups. Thursday we met with our small groups, which was awesome! I have an amazing group of people, and cannot wait to get to know them better over the coming semester. Thursday & Friday we also started classes, which is now tech arts for me. I'm not the most technological person in the world, but I'm excited to see how this semester goes.
Oh, and i almost forgot that in between all of that excitement was auditions for Praise Band (separate from School of Worship stuff...can be confusing, i know). I had already been on Praise band for the last year, but they require each year that you reaudition. And also, a certain roomate of mine (who is drummer) auditioned as well. We found out the results yesterday... and Julie & I both are on Praise Band!!! I am so proud of her. She's worked so hard over this last year and I cannot wait to see what God has in store for her.
So, that was my first week of school! LOL. Crazy, I know. But, it is now Saturday and I can attempt to unpack again. haha. I'll let you know how that goes. I love & miss you all very much. Please keep in touch.